I've been waiting for Game. Set. Match. for a couple of months now--anxiously. Just about as soon as I got it in my hot little hands, I cracked it open. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I hoped for good things.It was very sporty at first, and as someone who's never played or taken a particular interest in tennis, I was kind of put off by that, but once I got through the first little bit, I was tuned-in. Even though as I said before I know nothing about tennis, to me, Iacopelli did a great job of showing the pressure, skill and talent required to do what these girls do. I found myself invested in their matches and practices, and pulling for them to win.Sadly, I also found myself frustrated...This novel alternates between three points of view: Indy, Penny and Jasmine. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, I was just really annoyed with the fact that I didn't care for Jasmine (or about her) at all. Her love interest, Teddy, also held absolutely no appeal for me. He had no defining qualities that made me want to know anything more about him. And Penny was okay... I especially loved her match at the end, but to be completely honest, I really only wanted to read about Indy and Jack. I found myself wanting to skim everything but Indy's point of view. I loved her, and I loved him. The tortured older brother who was trying to do the right thing. My feels were working overtime!!! And I'm so very sad now that it's over and we didn't get to see more into what's going on with them. I would have been a whole lot happier if Iacopelli had given us an entire book just about the two of them and had saved Jasmine and Penny for future books in the series.Overall, though, I liked this one. It was well written, and mostly without editing issues (which as we all know is a huge problem in new adult books). For tennis lovers or sports fans in general, this book will be a huge hit with you. So if you're in the mood for something very sporty and a little bit sweet, give this one a chance.Sidenote: I know the author has her own Jack picked out, but his picture didn't do the Jack in my head justice. So I picked my own because, well, I like him better:Full review: http://www.fictionators.com/review/game-set-match-by-jennifer-iacopelli/